Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Well, well, wel, well well!

Can't believe I have had nothing to say for 2 months!

Is my life that empty?

No, the opposite really, been doing too much shit of late, learning JAPPERS,

so I can write stuff like this:

僕のちんちん  は で会 です!

Also watching England's humiliation in the World Cup on penalties for the umpteenth time, then seeing France throw it all away to those cheating, diving Italian mother#$"%"s.

Still we were left with some highlights.....see what happened to Zidane and Materrazi for real:

Just gonna sweat out the summer, turn 35, feel one year older and no wiser and get pissed and have some fun on my biffday weekend init!

maybe I should post some long overblown polemic on the whole messed up Israel-Hezbullah mess, but I won't...suffice to say, the whole world turns a blind eye once again while Israel dputs Lebanon back 10 years, and systematically destroys 100's of 1000's of peoples lives, including their own citizens..idiots! There and I said I wouldn't say anything.

Well better rest now, tis late and I am away to me pit!

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